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Teen, Young adult, Middle aged
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IN SUMMARY: An energetic and intelligent voice Request a free no obligation quote.
True Global Sound. Looking for an American sound with strong global roots? You’ve found the perfect voice! My accent comes from an upbringing in Japan attending American schools. This accent has been shaped by having British parents whilst being taught by Americans from various regions around the US.
This ephemeral quality has proved to be perfectly suited to the global market. I began a career recording voice overs for multinational clients in Japan including Panasonic, SONY, Nestle, Mont Blanc, Visa, Dyson and Eli Lilly. Afterwards I made my home in the UK to classically train as an actor for three years.
Modern Studio. My recording studio has been professionally built from the ground up under the direction of audio engineers with your voiceover needs in mind. GIK acoustics provide industry-standard dampening and diffusion so that you receive your audio file with the clearest signal possible. The recording equipment used is top-of-the-line.
Click here for a free no obligation quote if you'd like an audition sample from me (or voices similar to mine).
Lauten Audio Clarion, Audient ID22
Have been in voice overs for 10 years and classically trained as an actor
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