Cherlyn Michaels on VoicesUS® - Audition & hire this North American voiceover artist (★★★★★)
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Cherlyn Michaels

Cherlyn Michaels
Approved long-term voice artist. Read more.

This pre-approved verified showcase went live 8 years ago. This voice artist has committed to remain an active lifetime member.

Cherlyn Michaels
Approved long-term voice artist. Read more.

This pre-approved verified voice artist's showcase went live 8 years ago. They have been active on the VoicesUK talent team and have committed to a lifetime showcase on the platform.

    Cheryl Michaels
          Demo 1:

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    Under 24hr delivery

  •    AGE RANGE:

    Young adult, Middle aged

  •    Accent origin:

    US - Georgia

  •    Vocal timbre:


IN SUMMARY: Infectiously Sweet. Effectively Distinct. Request a free no obligation quote.

From a likable, compassionate best friend or loving, caring mom to a skillfully, effective instructor and credible corporate leader, Cherlyn’s versatile, dialed-in voice integrates just the right tones to deliver clear and compelling stories that make copy sing. In expertly interpreting text to portray value, her musically smooth voice can flow from excitingly perky, zealously fun and delectably sweet to convincingly persuasive, genuinely sincere and confidently direct.

About Cherlyn
•Diametric: Technical and Creative
•Background in engineering and business with a keen understanding of project deliverables, branding, marketing and advertising
•Adept in understanding each client’s needs and focusing on the client’s end results

Breathing life into scripts, Cherlyn aims to convey her clients’ intended messages, reach their target audiences and exceed their project goals…one word at a time.

Click here for a free no obligation quote if you'd like an audition sample from me (or voices similar to mine).


Rode NT1, CAD E100S, AudioTechnica AT2035; Focusrite Scarlett 2i2; Adobe Audition


Over five years of experience in eLearning, corporate narration, commercials, and more.

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